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About SI Coaching
Certified in the official Coach Training School of Anthony Robbins. Robbins-Madanes Training, Kim McGrew, MA, CHHP beautifully blends Strategic Intervention and Navigate Your Reset to transform individuals, family, young adults and teens who suffer from navigating reoccurring problems and feeling disconnection to who they are authentically.
Strategic Intervention (also known as SI) is a project dedicated to extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplines: Ericksonian therapy, strategic family therapy, Human Needs Psychology, organizational psychology, neurolinguistics, psychology of influence, strategic studies, traditions of diplomacy and negotiation, game theory, and others. The term “Strategic Intervention” was coined by Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and Mark Peysha to describe their change work. Mark Peysha has further developed Strategic Intervention as an interdisciplinary framework and movement.
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu